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Digesting history


Together with pastry enthusiasts from all over Poland, we prepared 16 different structures made from four types of cake – yogurt, sękacz (a traditional Polish spit cake), dragant (possibly a variant of "dacquoise"), and marshmallow foam. On the last day of the "City Made of Cake" exhibition, it was collectively consumed by architecture enthusiasts and the local community.

On April 17, 2016, the finale of the "Digesting History" installation took place, which we prepared in collaboration with the Berlin Goethe-Institut, the Dessau Institute of Architecture, and the WRO Art Center. The installation marked the beginning of a series of cultural events at the Goethe-Institut Pop Up Pavillon located at Nowy Targ Square in Wrocław.


The "Digesting History" installation was composed of dozens of confectionery products shaped like buildings that existed or were destroyed during the war. The designs were inspired by the architect Hans Poelzig, well-known to the residents of Wrocław for the Pavilion of the Four Domes, which housed a feature film studio and is now part of the National Museum.

Architecture in

the form of cake


Digesting History

Digesting History


FTT Production Studio



Food art

Earth and Water

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